Empress Diş Kaplama

Mouth and teeth aesthetics, which is an integral part of general body and facial aesthetics, has been receiving more demand in recent years and applications are being diversified by supporting the latest technologies. The rising trend in aesthetic dentistry is now planned not only for the tooth, but also for the tooth-gum aesthetics as a whole, and even a smile can be designed.

Aesthetic dental applications include many different applications related to teeth and gums. Gingival Aesthetics, also called pink estectic. Gummy Smile applications where the gums are seen as excessive, restricting the length of the teeth, reducing the visibility of the excess gingival crowns are removed, such as the correction of the color of the gums in the dark gingiva applications in this scope.

Sorting, lengthening, rotating, shifting or burying of teeth with orthodontic treatments, correcting the teeth or jaw relations between the surgically damaged teeth , soft or hard tissues to eliminate excess or deficiencies, more harmonious and aesthetic prosthetic restorations to create a more smooth infrastructure can be counted in this item. The applications of aesthetic dentistry towards dental aesthetics are various. These include options for anyone who wants aesthetic teeth. Bleaching, composite or porcelain laminates, orthodontic wires, classical or zircon porcelain crown bridge prostheses, implant applications, digital smile design, lip for correcting intermittent, excessively damaged, small, conical, short, turned, congenital or subsequent stained and colored teeth. The arrangement of the lines are some of the applications of aesthetic dentistry.

One or more of these methods can be applied together in order to achieve the targeted purpose. Aesthetic dentistry is a discipline that requires many dentistry branches to work together in sequence and in harmony. Specialists in the field of periodontology, prosthesis, conservative treatment, surgery and orthodontics can achieve highly aesthetic and striking results with a harmonious study.

Aesthetic dentistry applications have been developed to meet the expectations of ordinary people who want to have smooth teeth, laughter and a more beautiful appearance as well as people who are in need of their profession, who do business with their images, make money. No one accepts an intervention that is incompatible with his mouth, face and appearance. Dentists in our country have the knowledge, experience and equipment to respond to these expectations and all kinds of applications in developed countries are performed with competence.

Technological advances in aesthetic dentistry in recent years allow patients to offer various alternatives.

Aesthetic dentistry in general:

Lamina porcelain coatings (applied in the mouth to the lab) or composite laminates (made in the clinic with fillers) these are often applied in aesthetic treatments. The biggest advantage of these laminates is that the desired aesthetics can be imparted to the healthy tooth tissue without extensive intervention. Another advantage is that it is possible to carry out a normal crown operation if necessary in the future.

The color of the natural teeth is also of great importance in capturing the desired aesthetics of our smile. Using today’s technology, whitening of teeth has become much simpler and quicker. Very successful results with laser or plasma light in one session

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